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Microsoft Word makes it easy to add a dotted line as a separator in your documents, and there are multiple ways to practise it. Nosotros'll show you how in this guide.

How to Create a Dotted Line with a Shortcut

An easy way to create a dotted line in a Discussion certificate is to use a shortcut that yous can blazon into your certificate, which Give-and-take will then automatically convert into various types of dotted lines.

To employ a line shortcut, first, open your document with Microsoft Discussion. Next, identify your cursor where you lot desire to add a dotted line in your document.

Place the cursor somewhere to add a line in the Word window.

Type the asterisk sign ("*") three times in your document.

Add three asterisks in a new document in the Word window.

At present, press Enter, and Word will convert your asterisks into a dotted line automatically.

The asterisks will turn into a dotted line in the Word window.

Besides asterisks, you can also use the following characters for other dotted-line styles:

  • three dashes ("—")
  • three equal signs ("===")
  • three underscores ("___")
  • 3 hashes ("###")
  • three tildes ("~~~")

Feel gratuitous to experiment with these and see which one you like best. You can also undo each line that y'all make by pressing Ctrl+Z on Windows or Command+Z on Mac.

And if these automatic horizontal lines always become on your fretfulness, y'all tin can plough them off completely in Word's AutoCorrect options.

RELATED: How to Remove Automated Horizontal Lines in Word

How to Add a Dotted Line from a Shape Preset

Microsoft Word offers presets for many shapes, including dotted lines, in many styles. To admission these presets, starting time, open your certificate in Microsoft Discussion.

Click "Insert" in the pinnacle carte so click "Shapes." In the popular-upwards menu that appears, choose the start line style in the "Lines" section.

Add a line from the Shapes menu in the Word window.

Use your mouse to draw a line in your document. Information technology can be whatsoever length you want. And then, make certain that your new line is selected (by clicking it once) and select "Shape Format" from the menu at the superlative of the Word window.

Click "Shape Format" in the toolbar.

In the Shape Format tab, nether the "Shape Styles" department, click the More than icon, which looks like a carat pointing downward with a horizontal line above it.

Click the downward-facing arrow to view more line styles.

Under the More menu, choose a dotted line style from the "Presets" list. Once y'all click it, the style will be applied to the line that you but drew and selected in the certificate.

Select a dotted line style from presets.

And that's it! If you change your mind, don't exist afraid to disengage your changes with Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Control+Z (Mac). Happy drawing!

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