Easy How to Describe an Elephant for Kids Tutorial Video and Elephant Coloring Folio

Beneath you'll notice an easy step-past-footstep tutorial for how to draw an Elephant for Kids Tutorial Video and an Elephant Coloring Page. A side view makes it easy to see all of its details.

Elephant Tutorial Video

Now you tin learn how to draw an elephant for kids with a bit more realism. This makes for a good lesson because all the shapes are all pretty uncomplicated, but there are a few more details added that make a lot of difference. For instance the dorsum leg is larger than the front end, so the hip line goes further into the body. In that location are tusks on either side of the trunk, and overlapping lines that need to exist erased. Also the 2 legs on the far side of the animal are just a flake shorter than the front, because they are a scrap farther away. All those details are pretty like shooting fish in a barrel to draw, yet add up to a pretty realistic elephant drawing.

Preview of the Step by Step Elephant Tutorial

A step by step tutorial for how to draw an easy elephant, also available as a free download.

Time Lapse Drawing of the Elephant

Elephant Coloring Page

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Step by Step Tutorial for How to Draw an Elephant

Time needed:45 minutes.

Draw an Elephant

  1. Make guidelines. Draw an oval body.

  2. Add the caput and trunk.

  3. Add together a front and back leg.

  4. Erase lines. Add legs from other side.

  5. Draw ii ears.

  6. Erase lines within ear. Add two tusks.

  7. Erase inside tusks. Add together trunk lines, center and tail.

  8. Draw toes and a groundwork.

  9. Trace with a marker and color.

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