
Methods Of Teaching Mathematics Pdf

In which method of teaching Mathematics, one proceeds from particular to general ?

This question was previously asked in

Official Paper 5: OTET 2017 Paper 2 (Mathematics & Science)

View all OTET Papers >

  1. Analysis
  2. Synthesis
  3. Inductive
  4. Deductive

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Inductive

Mathematics is thestudy of numbers, shape, quantity, and patterns. The nature of mathematics is logical and it relies on logic and connects learning with learners' day-to-day life.

  • Teaching methods of mathematics include problem-solving, lecture, inductive, deductive, analytic, synthetic, heuristic and discovery method. Teacher adopts any method according to the needs and interests of students.

Important Points

Inductive Method:

Inductive approach is based on the process of induction. It is a method ofconstructing a formula with the help of a sufficient number of concrete examples.

  • Induction means to provide a universal truth by showing, that if it is true for a particular case.
  • It starts from examples and reach towards generalizations.
  • Example: Square of an odd number is odd and the square of an even number is even.
  • Inductive approach proceeds from-
    • Particular to general
    • Known to unknown
    • Simple to complex
    • Example to formula

Hence, it could be concluded that in inductive method of teaching Mathematics, one proceeds from particular to general .​

Additional Information

Deductive Method:

  • The deductive method is based on deduction. At first, the rules are given and then students are asked to apply these rules to solve more problems.
  • It begins withgeneral premises and through logical argument, comes to a specificconclusion.

Analysis Method:

  • It is a generic process combining the power of the Scientific Method with the use of a formal process to solve any type of problem.
  • Analysis means breaking up into components. All scientifically basedproblem-solving approachesuse the analytical method.

Synthesis Method:

  • The word"synthetic' is derived from the word 'synthesis which means to combine.
  • In this method, we combine several facts, perform cer­tain mathematical operations, and arrive at the solution.

Methods Of Teaching Mathematics Pdf


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