
Mathematics Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Pdf Grade 3

CBSE Class 3 Mathematics Practice Questions MCQs Set A with answers available in Pdf for free download. The MCQ Questions for Class 3 Mathematics with answers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, NCERT books and examination pattern suggested in Standard 3 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions are an important part of exams for Grade 3 Mathematics and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NCERT Class 3 Mathematics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

Mathematics Practice Questions Class 3 Mathematics MCQ

Class 3 Mathematics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Mathematics Practice Questions in standard 3. These MCQ questions with answers for Grade 3 Mathematics will come in exams and help you to score good marks

Mathematics Practice Questions MCQ Questions with Answers

Multiple Choice questions

1. Place value and face value will be the same in the _________ place.

A) Ones B) Hundreds C) Tens D) Thousands

2. Which of these numbers have more tens?

a) 879 b) 789 c) 997 d) 907

3. The number just before 9990 is _________.

a) 9991 b) 9909 c) 9988 d) 9989

4. The place value of 2 in 2548 is _____________.

a) 200 b) 2020 c) 2000 d) 2002

5. How many numbers have exactly 2 digits?

a) 99 b) 98 c) 91 d) 90

6. The _____________ 3- digit number is the predecessor of the smallest 4- digit number.

A) Smallest B) Largest C) Same D) None of The Above

7. _____________ is the smallest 4-digit numeral formed by the digits 8,0,6,7.

a) 0678 b) 7068 c) 6078 d) 7086

8. The sum of the place value and face value of 5 in 2548 is ________.

a) 500 b) 550 c) 055 d) 505

9. ___________ has no predecessor.

a) Zero b) One c) Ten d) 100

10. The sum of the largest 3-digit number and the smallest 2-digit number is _________.

a) 1090 b) 1900 c) 9001 d) 1009

11. The number system contains _______ digits.

a) 9 b) 10 c) 8 d) 100

12. ___________ place lies left to the hundreds place in a numeral.

A) Ones B) Tens C) Hundreds D) Thousands

13. The difference between the place values of 9 and 2 in the numeral 9542 is __________.

a) 9988 b) 8998 c) 8899 d) 9889

14. The expanded form of the numeral 3003 is __________.

a) 300 +30 b) 3000 + 30 c) 3000 + 3 d) 300 + 3000

15. One number for 800 + 9000 + 1 is ____________.

a) 8901 b) 8091 c) 9801 d) 8019

16. The difference between the face values of 5 and 3 in 3052 is _________.

a) 2 b) 22 c) 3000 d) 0

17. The ___________ and __________ of 0 is always 0.

A) Successor and Predecessor B) Face Value and Place Value

C) Predecessor and Place Value D) Successor and Face Value

18. The predecessor of a numeral can be found by ___________ one from the numeral.

A) Dividing B) Adding C) Multiplying D) Subtracting

19. We get the largest 4-digit numeral by adding one to _________.

a) 9980 b) 9998 c) 9989 d) 9899

20. We get the sum of the smallest 4-digit number and the largest 3-digit number by subtracting one from __________.

a) 2000 b) 1999 c) 2001 d) 1998

21. How many numbers have exactly 3 digits?
a) 909 b) 90 c) 900 d) 99

22. The sum of the largest and the smallest number formed from the digits 0,2,6,5 is_________.
a) 8675 b) 8756 c) 8657 d) 8576

23. While comparing numbers, a number having ________ digits is greater.
A) More B) Zero C) Less D) Same

24. Any smallest number is formed by arranging the digits in __________ order.
A) Descending B) Ascending C) Decreasing D) None Of The Above

25. Which among these numbers has no beads in the ones place when represented in an abacus.
a) 2055 b) 5502 c) 2550 d) 2502

26. The first calculating device invented in china.
A) Calculator B) Abacus C) Computer D) None Of These

27. Numeral for seven thousand two hundred is ___________
a) 2700 b) 7020 c) 7002 d) 7200

28. Encircle the number having zero in the hundreds place.
a) 8105 b) 8051 c) 8500 d) 8820

29) X + X + V = _________
a) 45 b) 40 c) 25 d) 15

30) In roman numerals repetition of the numeral I means ___________
A) Multiplication B) Addition C) Subtraction D) Division

31) In roman numerals _______________ cannot be repeated.
A) X B) I C) V D) H

32) Roman numeral for 19 is _______________

33) XXXIV = _____________
a) 43 b) 54 c) 34 d) 24

34) In roman numerals a smaller numeral written to the right of a numeral of greater value means __________
A) Subtraction B) Addition C) Multiplication D) Division

35) In roman numerals M means _______________
a) 500 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 50

36) Romans used _________ letters of the alphabet as basic symbols.

a) 8 b) 9 c) 6 d) 7

37) Besides I , __________ can also be repeated three times.

a) X b) V c) T d) R

38) 99 + ______ = 11 tens

a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 20

39) The sum of smallest 3 – digit number and largest 2 – digit number is ___________

a) 99 b) 199 c) 1000 d) 110

40) 20 ones + 10 tens + 5 hundreds = __________

a) 820 b) 720 c) 620 d) 920

41) 2012 + 10 + 0 = ______

a) 0 b) 2000 c) 2120 d) 2022

42) Sum of 3500 and 4500 is equal to _________

a) 9000 b) 7000 c) 6000 d)8000

43) A century + a dozen + a pair = _______

a) 114 b) 124 c) 144 d) 154

44) Half of 100 + half of 300 = _________

a) 100 b) 400 c) 3 d) 200

45) Which of the following addition problems has a sum of 1807 ?

a) 629 +829 b) 750 + 827 c) 809 + 998 d) 549 + 938

46) _____________ + 1 = smallest 4 digit number

A) Smallest 2 Digit No. B) Largest 3 Digit No. C) Smallest 3 Digit No. D) Largest 2 Digit

47) ______________ is 10 more than 8441.

a) 8051 b) 8551 c) 8541 d) 8451

48) My one's digit is 4. My hundreds digit is 5 more than my one's digit. My tens digit is 2 more than my one's digit and my thousands digit is 4 more than my one's digit. Who am I ?

a) 6984 b) 9684 c) 8964 d) 4694

49) A man worked in a factory from feb 1st to march 31st. How many days he worked ? ____________

a) 32 b) 59 c) 45 d) 64

50) Leap year + 3 weeks = _________

a) 354 b) 389 c) 377 d) 387

51) We are two different numbers. If you add us you get a sum of 25. If you subtract us you get a difference of 5. Who are we ? ___________

a) 10 and 15 b) 20 and 5 c)5 and 10 d) 15 and 5

52) The sum of place values of 8 in 9888 is ______________

a) 818 b) 888 c) 80 d) 800

53) _______________ added to any number is equal to the number itself.

a) 1 b) 0 c) number d) 2

54) 10 tens + 45 ones = __________

a) 140 b) 145 c) 150 d) 155

55) 1256 + 4345 = 4345 + 1256 . Which is the property used here?

A) Group Property B) Order Property C) Zero Property D) None Of These

56) What is the difference between largest 3 digit number and the smallest 3 digit number?

a. 1099 b. 999 c. 1000 d. 899

57) If you add 168 to me, I will become 300. Who am I ?

a.132 b. 122 c. 468 d. 123

58) A number is 400 less than 600. The number is?

a.1000 b. 200 c. 300 d. 400

59) The sum of two numbers 778. One of the number is 576.What is the other number?

a.200 b.202 c.105 d.302

60) In a school, there are 675 students, out of them 327 are girls. What is the number of boys in the school?

a.384 b.348 c.340 d.448

61) Any number minus itself is --------------

a.1 b.0 c no change d. 2

62) Any number minus one is its -------------

A. Successor B. 0 C. Predecessor D.2

63) Any number minus zero is number -------------- .

A.Itself  B.1  C. Successor  D. Predecessor

64) The difference between the successor and predecessor of a number is -------

a. 0  b. 1  c. 2  d. 3

65) Which number whether added to or subtracted from another number does not change the other number ?

a. 0 b. 1  c. 2  d. 3

66) Find the difference between the greatest number and the smallest number among

3209, 6889, 7856, 6389.

a. 4647 b.  4640 c.  4650 d. 4645

67) By how much is the sum of 3400 and 6738 more than the difference of these two numbers?

a. 3338 b. 3400 c. 6800 d. 6750

68) 1812 should be subtracted from -------- to get 1298?

a. 3000 b. 3110 c. 3108 d. 3120

69) Find the difference between the two place values of the digit 8 in 8738 ?

a. 7990 b. 7995 c. 7992 d. 7000

70) There were 76 sweets in a box. In a picnic 37 sweets were eaten, which expression shows how many sweets are still left in the box?

a. 76+37 b. 76-37 c. 76×37 d. 76÷37

71) Find the difference between the face values of digit 8 in 8738 ?

a. 15 b. 0 c.16 d. 64

72) (8756-3789)+2675 = _______________

a. 7642 b. 7500 c. 7640 d. 7639

73) 18-(8×2) = _______________

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 8

74) Ameena earns Rs.7800 per month, she saves Rs. 1200 per month , what is her monthly expenditure ?

a. 6550  b. 6660  c. 6400  d. 6600

75) Find the answer of (9+9+9)-(6+6+6)

a. 9 b. 10 c. 15 d. 0

76) Find the difference between 7324 and 3678

a.3646 b. 3644 c. 3654 d. 3346

77) By how much is the sum of 2350 and 6576 more than the difference of the numbers?

a. 8926 b. 4700 c. 4226 d. 4500

78) 1450 less than 4678 = -----------

a. 3228 b. 3222 c. 3278 d. 3220

79) There are 3567 employees in an airline company. If 2789 are men how many women are there?

a. 772 b. 778 c. 728 d. 700

80) Division is process of repeated

(a) Addition (b) Multiplication (c) Subtraction (d) None of these

81) 35÷7=____

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 9

82) 12÷2=6, Here 6 Is Called

(A) Quotient (B) Dividend (C) Divisior (D)Product

83) In the Case Of Division, The Result Is Called

(A) Product (B)Sum (C) Difference (D)Quotient

84) For every multiplication fact there are 2 --------facts.

(A) Product (B) Multiplication (C) Division (D)Addition

85) 70÷10 =______

(a) 7 (b) 70 (c) 10 (d)701

86) 15÷__ = 3

(a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 0 (d)5

87) 18 ÷ 9 = 2 here 9 is called

(A) Dividend (B) Quotient (C) Division (D) Divisor

88) 8 x 3 = 24, its division fact is equivalent to (same as)

(a) 24 ÷ 8 = 3 (b) 8 ÷ 3 = 24 (c) 24 x 3 = 8 (d)8x24=3

89) If remainder = 0, divisor x__ = dividend

(a) Quotient (B) Product (C) Zero (D) One

90) If zero is divided by any non zero number, the quotient is ______

(A) Division (B) Zero (C) Dividend (D)That Number Itself

91) Any number divided by 1 equal to ______

(a) 1 (b) 0 (C) Not Possible (D)That Number Itself

92) 20 ÷ 5 +4= ______

(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d)Not possible

93) When 13 is divided by 5, the remainder is

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 8 (d) 4

94) Numbers that have 5 & 0 at ones place are divisible by _________.

(a)10 (b)2 (c)5 (d)100

95) Divide the largest 3 digit number by 9 the quotient equal to

(a) 333 (b) 111 (c) 133 (d)11

96) 505 books are there in 5 almirahs, then how many books are there in 1 almirah

(a) 105 (b) 101 (c) 50 (d)100

97) 48 students are standing in 6 rows. How many students are there in each row?

(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d)8

98) Dividend=Divisor x Quotient + Remainder, if divisor=quotient=3 and remainder =1 then Dividend = -------------

(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 13

99) In 67÷3, what is the remainder?

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d)22

100) How many weeks are there in 84 days?

(a)13 (b) 14 (c)11 (d)12

101) The product of two numbers equal to 135.If one number is equal to 9 find the other?

(a) 15 (b) 12 (c)13 (d)14

102) Choose the correct one

(a) 45=9x5+2 (b) 57=9x6+3 (c) 57=8x7+2 (d) 45=9x5+1

103) The Numbers Which Are Divisible By100have Its ---------Places As Zero.

(A) Ones (B) Tens (C) Ones and Tens (D)Hundreds

104) Divisor Is Always Greater Than

(A) Quotient  (B) Remainder  (C) Dividend (D)Product

105) 282 books are distributed equally to 7 classes, then each class got ------ books and----left.

(a) 42 ,0 (b) 42, 2 (c) 40,0 (d) 40,2

106) 57 ÷10 then

(a) 5Q,7R  (b) 7Q,5R  (c) 50Q,7R  (d) 5Q, 0R

107) When 938 is divided by 100 the remainder is equal to

(a) 9 (b) 8 (c) 38 (d) 900

108) 50 pencils are packed in dozens, then how many pencils left?

(a) 2 (b) 12 (c) 4 (d) 7

109) All the faces of a ___________ are squares.

A) Cuboid B) Sphere C) Cube D) Cone

110) Two Line Segments Meet at A ___________.

A) Line B) Point C) Ray D) All the Above

111) ___________ Has Only One Starting Point.

A) Line Segment B) Ray C) Line D) Point

112) A cylinder has __________ corners.

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

113) A quadrilateral has __________ sides.

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 0

114) Tube light is an example of ____________.

A) Cone B) Cube C) Cylinder D) Sphere

115) ___________ and ___________ have only curved edges.

A) Cube and Cuboid B) Cylinder and Sphere C) Sphere and Cube D) Cone and Cylinder

116) Number of endpoints in a line is __________

a) 2 b) 3 c) 0 d)1

117) ________ has one curved side only.

A) Cone B) Circle C) Sphere D) Cylinder

118) A __________ has no length, breadth or thickness.

a) Line b) Ray c) Line Segment d) Point

119) Number of line segments in the following figure is ________

CBSE Class 3 Mathematics Practice Questions MCQs Set A

a) 5 b) 6 c) 4 d) 3

120) A __________ is bounded by three-line segments.

a) Triangle b) Rectangle c) Cone d) Circle

121) Number of lines drawn through two points is ___________.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 0

122) 48 x ( ______ x 57 ) = ( 39 x 48 ) x 57

a) 48 b) 57 c) 39 d) 93

123) 30 x _________ = 9000.

a) 200 b) 300 c) 400 d) 50

124) ________ x 395 = 3950

a) 10 b) 100 c) 110 d) 20

125) If 10 is added ______ times, the product is 100.

a) 100 b) 1 c) 0 d) 10

126) 350 tens = ___________

a) 3050 b) 5030 c) 3500 d) 5300

127) Number of legs for 9 hens is _________.

a) 81 b) 18 c) 80 d) 90

128) 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 5 x _____

a) 6 b) 50 c) 5 d) 60

129) 17 x 32 x _______ = 320 x 170.

a) 1000 b) 10 c) 100 d) 0

130) 100 times 20 is ___________.

a) 1002 b) 2001 c) 2100 d) 2000.

131) Multiplicand x multiplier = ____________.

a) divisor b) quotient c) product d) 0

132) Change in the ___________ of factors does not affect multiplication.

a) Multiplicand b) Zero c) Order d) Multiplier

133) _______ days = 48 hours.

a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

134) The __________ of any number and 0 is 0.

a) Sum b) Product c) Difference d) Quotient

135) 4 x 5 x 3 = _______ x 12.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 3 d) 1

136) 10 times __________ is 9000.

a) 10 b) 100 c) 90 d) 900

137) The standard unit of length is ___________________

(a) m (b) cm (c) km (d) mm.

138) 79m = _______________ cm .

(a) 790 (b) 79 (c) 7900 (d) 709

139) To convert metres into centimetres, multiply metres by _______________.

(a) 10 (b) 100 (c)1000 (d) 10000

140) To convert kilometres into metres, put _____________ zeros after the number of kilometres.

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c)3 (d) 4

141) 1 km = _______________ m

(a) 1 (b) 100 (c) 10 (d) 1000

142) There are ____________ centimetres in one metre.

(a)10 (b) 100 (c) 1000 (d) 1

143) Kilometre, metre, and centimetre are the units of _____________

(a) mass (b) capacity (c) kilogram (d) length

144) 6789 m = _____________ km + ______________m.

(a) 67km+89m (b) 6km+789m (c) 678km+9m (d) 6789km+0m

145) 15m 73cm = _______________.

(a) 1573cm (b)157cm (c) 153cm (d) 1537 cm

146) 1m + 1km = ________________ m.

(a) 1000 (b) 1010 (c) 1001 (d) 1100

147) A bag contains 110kg of rice. Divide it equally among 10 persons, each person gets

(a)10kg (b) 11kg (c) 1kg (d)110kg

148) The total weight of Ritu and Neethu is 75kg 50g. If Ritu weigh 26kg 35g, how much does Neethu weigh?

(a)    48kg 10g (b) 49kg 15g (c) 47kg 15g (d) 50kg 35g

149) The standard unit of measuring weight is ______________________

(a) g (b) kg (c) mg (d) ton

150) To convert grams into kilograms we have to ________________________ by 1000.

(a) Add (b) Subtract (c) Divide (d) Multiply

151) 8006 g = ________________

(a) 8000kg (b) 800kg 6g (c) 80kg 6g (d) 8kg 6g

152) Kilogram is used to measure _____________________.

(a) Mass (b) Weight (c) Capacity (d) Length

153) _________________ is used to measure shorter lengths like width of a room.

(a) m (b) km (c) cm (d) mm

154) ' kg' stands for _____________________ and 'g' stands for ________________.

(a) Kilometre and Metre (b) Kilogram and Gram (c) Gram and Kilogram (d) Litre and Gram

155) 0ut of 4kg, 3.5kg, 17kg, 200g, the heaviest is _________________.

(a) 4kg (b) 3.5kg (c) 17kg (d) 200g

156) Balance the weight. 500g = 200g + 100g + ________________.

(a) 300g (b) 200g (c) 100g (d) 500g

157) __________________ ton = 1000kg.

(a) 100 (b) 10 (c) 1 (d) 1000

158) 1 quintal = ____________________ .

(a) 100g (b) 100kg (c) 1000g (d) 1000kg

159) Weight of an apple is measured in _________________.

(a) g (b) kg (c) mg (d) km

160) ______________ mm = 8cm.

(a) 800 (b)8 (c) 80 (d) 8000

161) Convert into cm – 9m 3cm __________________ cm.

(a) 9003 (b) 93 (c) 903 (d) 900

162) An oil tin weighs 25kg 350g. The empty tin weighs 475g. Find the weight of the oil.

(a) 24kg 750g (b) 24kg 870g (c) 24kg 785g (d) 24kg 875g

163) A roll of ribbon is 24 m long. Cut it into 6 equal pieces. What is the length of each piece.

(a) 24cm (b) 4m (c) 6cm (d) 24m.

164) A boy runs 475m in 1 minute. Find the distance covered by him in 9 minutes.

(a) 475m (b) 4725m (c) 4km 275m (d) 24m

165) The weight of a packet is 46kg 350g. What is the weight of 9 such packets.

(a) 46350g (b) 41kg 785g (c) 417kg 150g (d)4kg 171g

166) The dial of a clock is divided equally into _____ small divisions .

(a) 60 b) 30 c) 12 d)24

167) The minute hand takes _____ hour to complete one round.

a)12 b)1 c)24 d)6

168) The hour hand moves ______ times round the clock in one day.

a) 2 b) 1 c) 12 d) 24

169) In a leap year , February has ______ days.

a) 28 b) 29 c) 30 d) 31

170) 1 hour and 25 minutes = ________ minutes.

a) 75 b) 95 c) 85 d) 65

171) Ram left for school at 6:45 a.m and reached school at 7:30 a.m .How much time did he take to reach school ? ______________ minutes.

a) 15 b) 30 c) 45 d) 60

172) 6 weeks and 5 days =_____________ days.

a) 47 b) 36 c) 60 d) 40

173) When the minute hand is on 5 and hour hand is between 2 and 3 , then the time is _________

a) 2 :05 b) 2:25 c) 2:30 d) 3:25

174) Sita had her lunch at 2 ___.

a) a.m b) p.m c) k.m d) c.m

175) Daddy drives to office for 1hour 05 mins and on the way back home he takes 1 hour 15 minutes. Find how much time did daddy drive his car ? ___________

a) 2hours 30 mins b) 2hours 20mins c) 2hours40mins d) 2hours 50mins

176) Raj studies for 2 hours everyday . He finished studying at 6p.m when did he start studying ?

a) 4p.m b) 4 a.m c) 8p.m d) 8a.m

177) If the date was 7 th on Saturday , what will be the date on the next Saturday ? ___________

a) 13th b) 14th c)15th d) 16th

178) Sam is 1997 born. He shall be ______ years old in 2010.

a) 20 b) 23 c) 25 d) 13

179) A bottle of medicine is measured in ___________

a) kl b) l c)ml d) cl

180) There are _______ millilitres in 5 litres and 300 millilitres.

a) 530 b) 5300 c) 53 d) 50300

181) A jug contains 1l 300 ml of orange juice. Tom pours 275 ml in a glass. How much is left in the jug ? ____________

a) 1 l 575ml b) 1l 025ml c) 575ml d) 1l 275 ml

182) 3l 506ml x 2 = ____________

a) 6l 406ml b)6l 506 ml c)7l 012ml d)6l 012ml

183) To paint a room 3l 250ml of white paint and 1l 825ml of yellow paint was required .How much quantity of paint was required to paint the room ? ___________

a) 5l 075ml b) 4l 225ml c) 4l 075 ml d) 6l 075 ml

184) Subtract 7l 455ml from 9 l 600ml . ___________

a) 2l 255lm b) 2l 145ml c) 3l 245ml d) 1l 145ml

185) Divide 9l646ml by 2 .____________

a) 4l 823ml b)4l323ml c)5l823ml d)4l323ml

186) A jug needs to be filled with juice to fill 8glasses of 250ml each . How much should the jug contain to fill all the glasses ? _______________

a) 2500ml b) 2250ml c) 2000ml d) 3250ml

187) 735ml + 450ml – 165ml = _______________

a) 1020 ml b)1050ml c)1000ml d) 1030ml

188) Three fourths of a litre = __________ ml

a) 250 b) 500 c) 750 d)1000

189) A bottle of medicine contains 35ml of medicine .Doctor asked Sham to take 5ml everyday .For how many days will the medicine last ?________

a) 5 days b) 6 days c ) 7 days d) 8days

190) The standard unit of measuring the capacity of a container is ________

a) grams b)kilograms c)metres d) litre

( Each question carries 1 mark )

CBSE Class 3 Mathematics Practice Questions MCQs Set A-Ans

Mathematics Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Pdf Grade 3


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